June 1 – 3, 2013
University of Victoria, British Columbia
Read a Brief Report on the 2013 Annual HSAC Conference
Download the Conference Program (PDF)
The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC) is holding its Annual Conference in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Victoria from June 1-3rd 2013. The Program Committee invites members of the Association and interested scholars to submit proposals for individual papers and panels of three papers that address the overall theme of Congress as it relates to Hungarian studies. The overall theme this year is “@the edge – @ la fine pointe.”
We believe that this theme, with suggested elaborations below, fits particularly well with the variety of disciplines and fields of study represented by our membership and covers a broad range of topics.
We would welcome proposals that address the relationship of Hungarians with neighbouring peoples and cultures; the evolution and diversity of the Hungarian diaspora in the context of multi-ethnic societies; the situation of minorities inside Hungary and of Hungarian immigrants and minorities outside of Hungary. We also welcome papers that explore the interplay of the centre and the periphery (geographically, historically, philosophically, in language, literature, and the arts, among others); address the challenges of social or political inequality, marginalization, and diversity. The Committee will consider other topics not listed here that relate to the overall theme.
Submissions should include a 200-300 word abstract and a brief, maximum one-page cv. Proposals will be accepted in English, Hungarian, or French. The deadline to submit proposals is January 15th 2013.
Proposals should be sent by e-mail to the Secretary, Judy Young at and to the Chair of the Program Committee, Judith Szapor at We will notify the authors of proposals of the Committee’s decisions by February 28th 2013.