Call for Papers 2014


May 24 – 26, 2014

Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Download the Draft Conference Program 2014 (PDF)

Download the Final Conference Program 2014 (PDF)

The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC) is holding its 29th Annual Conference in conjunction with the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, from May 24 to May 26th, 2014.

The Program Committee invites members of the Association and interested scholars to submit proposals for individual papers and panels of three papers that address the overall theme of Congress, “Borders without Boundaries – Frontières sans limites” as it relates to Hungarian studies. According to the Congress call, “this general theme allows participants to reflect on the links between the academy and the community, the mediation of boundaries in a virtual world, the development of the new conceptions of rural and urban spaces, and the place and definition of friends, citizens and peoples in our social, academic and politically defined communities.”

We believe that the overall theme offers a particularly apt framework for our association to address the place of Hungarian Studies in the academy and the broader community. We welcome proposals on topics of Hungarian culture and history in both the European and North American context. As next year marks the centennial of the beginning of World War I, we also welcome panels and papers addressing the significance of the war as it affected Hungarian culture, the Hungarian diasporas, Hungarian emigration to North America, and Canadian-Hungarian relations. As always, we look for proposals in any discipline in the humanities and social sciences, including those that might address the theme from a cross-disciplinary perspective and thus bring fresh or enriched insights. Papers that do not relate to the overall theme are, as usual, also welcome.

Submissions should include a maximum 300 word abstract and a brief 100 word bio which can be used to introduce the speaker. Since both the abstract and the bio will be published online, they should be prepared in Word format using Times New Roman font size 12 and be sent electronically to the Secretary, Judy Young at and to the Chair of the Program Committee, Judith Szapor at Proposals are preferred in English or French but will also be accepted in Hungarian. Please keep in mind that presentations at the conference should be no longer than 20 minutes with an additional 5-10 minutes for discussion.

The deadline for submission is January 10th, 2014. We will notify authors of the Committee’s decisions by February 7th, 2014.