
Hungarian Studies Association of Canada
Association Canadienne Des Études Hongroises

1. The name of the organization shall be the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada/Association Canadienne Des Études Hongroises, hereinafter referred to as the Association with the abbreviated title HSAC/ACEH.
2. The objectives of the Association shall be:

  1. To promote cultural and educational activities and research concerned with Hungarian studies;
  2. To stimulate public awareness of Hungarian culture, history, and current affairs, with an emphasis on the Canadian context;
  3. To sponsor and support publications, conferences and meetings of scholarly and general interest;
  4. To maintain contacts with academic and community groups having complementary interests;
  5. To engage in reasoned discourse based on rigorous research and scholarship, according to the standards of Academic Freedom as set out by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). It is acknowledged that, according to AUCC standards, HSAC members are free to take intellectual risks and tackle controversial subjects in their scholarly research, their presentations, and publications.
3. Membership shall be extended to individuals who wish to support the objectives of the Association upon payment of an annual fee determined at the annual meeting.
4. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote only.
5. A member may withdraw from membership upon notice in writing to the President.
6. Members who have paid their fees shall be considered members in good standing.
7. Members in good standing have the right to receive full information about the state of the Association; amend its constitution; elect officers, and serve as such; and, vote on important activities and issues.
8. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee.
9. Officers shall be elected from among the members at the Annual Meeting of the Association.
10. Among the elected officers, the President and the Vice-President shall hold office for a term of the two (2) years or until his/her successor takes office, but may not hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive full terms.
11. The Treasurer and the Secretaries shall hold office for a term of two (2) years. They can be nominated and re-elected for more than two (2) consecutive full terms.
12. Meetings of the officers may be held at any time and place to be determined by the officers provided that seven (7) clear days notice of such meeting shall be sent in writing to each officer, and further provided that there shall be at least one (1) meeting per year of the officers.
13. The Executive Committee shall consist of: the elected officers, the immediate past president; chairpersons of the committees that the General Meeting may decide to set up; and the organizer of the forthcoming Annual Meeting.
14. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall take place at least once a year, on seven (7) days clear notice.
15. The quorum for the meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 50% +1.
16. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Association, who shall preside at all meetings of the Association and its executives, and shall be responsible for the general and active management of the affairs of the Association. The president shall see that all orders and resolutions of members at large are carried into effect.
17. The vice-president shall, in the absence or disability of the president, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president and shall perform such other duties as shall from time to time be imposed upon him/her by the executive committee.
18. The treasurer shall have the custody of the funds of the Association, shall keep full and accurate accounts of all assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements, and shall disburse funds at the instruction of the president, or, on the decision of the executive committee. While keeping record of membership fee payments, the treasurer shall continuously update the membership list (including addresses and phone numbers), and, shall regularly notify the secretaries about changes.
19. The Executive Secretary and the Secretary shall record votes and minutes of all proceedings; bring such records to the attention of the members; give notice of meetings of the members and the Executive Committee; and bear primary responsibility for regular communication with the members through a newsletter. Furthermore, the Executive Secretary shall file and preserve all documents and records of the Association and shall make these available to members on request.


20. Committees may be formed to execute certain decisions of the members-at-large.
21. Any member in good standing may be nominated by members at the General Meeting to serve on a committee; also, officers of the Association can request members to do so.
22. The regular activity of the Association necessitates the existence of these committees:

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Nominating Committee
  3. Conference Organizing Committee
  4. Publications Committee.
23. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three (3) members, elected at the annual meeting. The duties of the Committee shall include the preparation of a slate of members for the election to the Board. The Committee shall obtain from the candidates their acceptance of nomination in writing before submitting their names for membership on the Board.
24. A Conference Organizing Committee may be formed to assist the organizer of the forthcoming Annual Meeting. The conference chairperson may request persons from the members to serve on this committee.
25. The Publications Committee shall consist of the editor(s) of the association’s major publication(s), and not more than two members whom the editor(s) ask to serve on the committee. Another member of the committee is the manager of the association’s web site, who is not involved in other publication matters.


26. Annual Meeting. There shall be an annual meeting, the date and place of which shall coincide with the annual Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. The annual meeting will receive reports from the executive on the year’s activities, including financial statement and proposed budget. It will also receive reports from the committees. The meeting will elect new members to the executive, set membership fees, and may recommend programs and amendments.
27. The annual meeting can withdraw its confidence with a two-third majority vote from any elected or permanent member of the executive or the committees if there is a consensus that the person’s activity does not satisfy his or her duties.
28. Notice of meetings: the membership of the Association shall be given at least thirty (30) days’ notice of meetings of the Association, either in writing or in its official newsletter.
29. Voting at the Annual Meeting cannot be exercised by proxy. The quorum shall be ten (10) members in good standing.
30. Documents, checks, or other instruments in writing requiring the signature of the Association shall be signed by those to whom the Executive Committee has granted such authority.
31. Except as to section 34 hereof which may not be changed, the Constitution of the Association may be amended or repealed only by a special meeting of members duly called for that purpose. A two-thirds majority of those present eligible to cast a vote shall decide in each case.
32. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1 to December 31.
33. The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada is the co-publisher of the Hungarian Studies Review, a refereed journal.
34. The members of this Association shall have no interest in the property and assets of the Association. Upon dissolution or winding up of the Association, any funds and assets of the Association remaining after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities, shall be distributed to those organizations determined by its members at dissolution.