Call for Papers 2015


May 30 – June 1, 2015

University of Ottawa, Ontario

Read the HSAC 30th Anniversary Conference article on the Hungarian Presence website

Download the Conference Program 2015 (PDF)

The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC) is holding its 30th Annual Conference in conjunction with the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada at the University of Ottawa from May 30 to June 1, 2015.

The Program Committee invites members of the Association and interested scholars to submit proposals for individual papers and panels of three papers. We especially encourage proposals that address the Congress theme “Capital Ideas / Le capital des idées” as it relates to Hungarian studies. According to the Congress call, the theme “invites us to reflect on the power of ideas: ideas captivate our hearts and minds; ideas connect people and ignite discussions and debates; ideas create knowledge and spark discoveries.” Topics for papers and panels might include, but are certainly not limited to, the role and perception of Budapest (and, in general, the relationship between city and countryside) in Hungarian history and culture, intellectual exchanges between Budapest and other European and world capitals; the impact of global intellectual movements on the development of Hungarian society, culture, and politics; or examinations of ground-breaking ideas pioneered by Hungarians.

In addition, because we are also celebrating our 30th anniversary, we also welcome proposals that revolve around recent anniversaries relevant to Hungary and Hungarian studies. Beyond presentations on the founding of the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada in 1985, we would welcome papers and panels dedicated to the 100th anniversary of World War I, the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Hungary and Canada, or the 25th anniversary of the end of communism in Hungary in 1989-90.

As always, we look for proposals in any discipline in the humanities and social sciences, including those that might address themes from a cross-disciplinary perspective and thus bring fresh or enriched insights. Papers that do not relate to the overall themes outlined above are, as usual, also welcome.

Submissions should include a maximum 300 word abstract and a brief 100 word bio which can be used to introduce the speaker. Since both the abstract and the bio will be published online, they should be prepared in Word format using Times New Roman font 12. Abstracts should be sent electronically both to the Chair of the Program Committee, Steven Jobbitt at and to the Secretary of HSAC, Judy Young at Proposals are preferred in English or French but will also be accepted in Hungarian. Please keep in mind that presentations at the conference should be no longer than 20 minutes with an additional 5-10 minutes for discussion.

The deadline for submission is December 15, 2014. We will notify authors of the Committee’s decisions by January 15, 2015.