Annual HSAC Conference 2019
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
June 1-3, 2019
Hungarian Studies for the Twenty-First Century
Download the Call for Papers 2019 (PFD format)
The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada invites proposals for individual papers, posters, roundtable discussions, workshops, complete panels, and other innovative presentations and sessions for our annual conference to be held in conjunction with the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of British Columbia, June 1-3, 2019.
As in years past we will consider proposals on any topic related to Hungary and Hungarian Studies, though in keeping with the Congress theme “Circles of Conversation” we encourage presentations and interactive sessions that explore relationships between universities and the communities that academics and institutions of higher learning serve: local, provincial, national, transnational, and global. In this vein, presentations that foster and/or reflect upon circles of conversation among scholars, educators, students, political leaders, activists, and the public at large would be most welcome. We also encourage presentations and sessions that focus on art as an important form of engaged scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, or on other key topics identified by the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences. These topics include, but are by no means limited to, questions of sustainability, accessibility, global mobility, health, culture, and education.
As Hungary prepares to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the end of the Cold War, and the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Holocaust in Hungary, conversations around the key themes and topics suggested by Congress are perhaps as relevant now as ever. With universities and the societies that sustain them currently in flux, how do we promote and ensure critically-engaged conversations about key issues of the past, present, and future? How, in turn, do we remain innovative and relevant as scholars in a world undergoing rapid change and transformation, and how do we envision Hungarian studies for the twenty-first century? As in years past, the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada supports and encourages both creative and critical scholarly engagement within and across disciplines; as well as the participation of graduate students and young scholars.
Submissions should include a maximum 300 word abstract and a brief 100 word bio which can be used to introduce the speaker. Since both the abstract and the bio will be published online, they should be prepared in Word format using Times New Roman font 12. Abstracts should be sent electronically both to the Chair of the Program Committee, Steven Jobbitt ( and to the Secretary of HSAC, Judy Young ( Proposals are preferred in English or French but will also be accepted in Hungarian if an English language abstract is also provided.
Presentations at the conference are no longer than 20 minutes with an additional 5-10 minutes for discussion. The deadline for submission is December 15th 2018. We will notify authors of the Committee’s decisions by January 4th 2019.
The HSAC Conference Program Committee for 2019 is chaired by Steve Jobbitt of Lakehead University. The other members are:
Christopher Adam (Carleton University)
Oliver Botar (University of Manitoba)
Orsolya Kis (Eötvös Loránd University)
Mária Palasik (Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security) |