HSAC Book Launch: Szépen magyarul by Ilona Sándor

HSAC Book Launch: Szépen magyarul by Ilona Sándor

The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: HSAC Virtual Book Launch: Ilona Sándor’s Szépen magyarul Time: Jun 28, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/96229506685 Meeting...
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A live stream discussion of The Forgotten Revolution: The 1919 Hungarian Republic of Councils

A live stream discussion of The Forgotten Revolution: The 1919 Hungarian Republic of Councils

Dear HSAC Members, The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada is happy to announce that it is one of the cosponsors of a live stream discussion of The Forgotten Revolution: The 1919 Hungarian Republic of Councils, edited by András B. Göllner...
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A Message from the President of the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada

A Message from the President of the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada

Kedves Kollégáink/Dear Colleagues: If this were a normal year, the Executive and I would be busy making last minute preparations for our annual conference, which this year was going to be at the University of Western Ontario in London. I...
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